10 superior Twitter suggestions that can assist you develop your Twitter account rapidly

While Twitter was once purely a platform for exchanging thoughts, the channel has evolved and become a source of unlimited audience reach for the savvy marketer.

With 166 million active users per day, it's no wonder marketers are flocking to the social platform.

It may have been enough for businesses to share funny tweets or content on the platform once to be successful on Twitter. However, marketers today need to stay relevant with the rapidly changing features that are a hallmark of the platform. Your Twitter marketing strategy should be in constant flux as the platform changes.

Sound overwhelming?

It doesn't have to be.

This article lists the 10 advanced Twitter tricks and tips to help you get out of the clutter on this unique platform.

1. Update your Twitter profile

Do you remember the saying, "There is no second chance for a first impression?"

This adage also applies to your social profiles.

If it's been a while since you've actively worked on updating and optimizing your Twitter profile, now is the time to do so. Check out these four advanced Twitter tips to make sure your profile is current and positioned to attract potential consumers.

Twitter bio

With just 160 characters, make sure your Twitter bio not only gives site visitors a clear understanding of your brand, but also harnesses the power of the keywords you choose.

Header image

Your header image shouldn't stagnate. Instead, update the image continuously to reflect new offers or seasonal themes.

Try these different options for the header image:

  • Upcoming event
  • New Products
  • best selling products
  • Customer reference
  • Skills

Whichever route you choose, optimize your images and take this opportunity to capitalize on your branded keywords by including them in the image filenames to increase the chances of your page showing up in an image search.

Profile picture

Your logo should dominate your profile picture.

However, if your logo has a lot of text or complex images that don't translate well on mobile devices, consider creating a secondary logo.

Website direction

Go beyond the typical link on the home page by strategically approaching where you want customers to be sent. In my Twitter bio I direct visitors to "Consulting" so that they can find a direct route.

Optimize your profile for your advanced Twitter strategy

Make sure to stay tuned after you've completed these four expanded Twitter updates. You should update your Twitter profile to reflect the changing facets of your industry as well as your own company.

2. Share different types of content

Twitter is different from its contemporaries on social media. The white paper you shared on LinkedIn may have had a lot of engagement, but it may not work well on Twitter.

Interactive content on the platform tends to perform best, according to Twitter. The company suggests using:

Visuals with an emphasis on video

To improve results, Twitter advocates the use of arresting images, GIFs, and videos.

The data is for backup: with over two billion video views per day, make sure you are using the highly desirable form of content. Twitter suggests using your company logo and subtitles to avoid the need for headphones and sharing videos between 6-15 seconds.

In fact, posts with visual elements generate 35 percent more retweets than those based solely on text, and videos generate 28 percent more retweets than text.

Moral of the story? The more persuasive your tweets, the more likely they are to generate social engagement.

Check out this visual narrative from Threadless that tells a full story through an interactive video.

Questions and surveys

In addition to visual content, Twitter suggests using the platform's conversational format to engage your audience. While this strategy may not work well on Facebook or Instagram, engaging with your audience through surveys can be a great way to encourage conversation and engagement.

Check out this post from Fashion for Good that encourages audience interaction.

Advanced Twitter Tip - Use Survey Mode Forever


With only 240 characters available for you to tell a story, harnessing the preexisting narrative power of memes is a great way to share a message while unlocking the potential of a viral tweet.

extended twitter tip - use memes

Regardless of your target audience, your Twitter content strategy should be complex. As a general tip, you should stick to the rule of thirds: a third of the tweets promote your company, a third share personal stories and a third are informative insights from experts or influencers.

The same applies to the variety of content. Make sure you offer your followers a varied range of content.

3. Share case studies or testimonial teasers

As you build your advanced Twitter strategy, attract potential leads by sharing snippets of your success stories. To ensure that your audience has access to the entire story, create landing pages that users can click to provide more information.

Follow these best practices to make these case studies engaging and consumable.

Use visuals

We've already discussed the value of visuals on Twitter. This also applies to the creation of testimonials. Check out this tweet from Covergirl which features a branded image with a real-life rating.

Advanced Twitter Tip - Use Visuals

Compelling quotes

Select offers from your customers that point out how you solved their weaknesses. Most of the time, other potential customers face the same challenges.

4. Start fun rivalries with your competitors

When strategizing your advanced approach to Twitter, don't underestimate the value of good old-fashioned humor.

This isn't just anecdotal: 75 percent of consumers say they value brand humor.

Amusing back and forth between competitors has sparked viral reactions on Twitter.

Wendy has long been the king of competitors' funny ribs.

friendly competition in advanced Twitter strategy

This tweet works for Wendy because it's light hearted at heart. It did well because it dealt with a follower's comment while fueling the inherent rivalry between fast food giants.

If you have a positive relationship with any of your competitors, get them involved in a silly debate or make fun of some aspect of their brand.

Obviously, this strategy is only relevant for some brands. If your brand voice is serious, this approach is probably not for you.

When you decide that a rivalry is a brand for your brand, identify what sets your business apart from your competition and use the rivalry strategically to stand out from the crowd.

5. Tweet your position on social justice issues

Remaining neutral is no longer an option for brands.

Many consumers expect companies to speak up on social justice issues like black lives matter, climate change and gun control.

In fact, 60 percent of the US population expect brands to advocate racial justice. Commenting on these issues can lead to a deeper connection and relationship between the audience.

However, taking a stand on social justice issues requires a well-implemented plan and approach. Here are three key strategies:

Be consistent

Followers will notice if you only tweet about issues when others are doing so. Make sure you provide regular coverage of the issues to ensure that you are providing authentic support on social justice issues.

Be decisive

Do not wait. By thinking about your answer or waiting several days for it to be published, you reduce the feeling of authenticity.

Be meticulous

Phrasing is always important, but never more important than when dealing with current topics. Be careful as you write and pay special attention to the tone and voice used in your tweet.

Not only do consumers want brands to publicly address social justice issues, they also want to know where their money is going. If your company is donating to charity or political campaigns, include this information as you build your advanced Twitter marketing strategy.

6. Create surveys

We've already established that Twitter is all about interaction. Surveys can help.

As you develop your advanced Twitter marketing strategy, don't forget that there are several different ways you can use surveys.

Promote your latest products like Denny & # 39; s in this humorous poll.

Add polls for advanced Twitter strategy

Establish a line of thought like Rand Fishkin did. (We also did this to discuss whether or not the content is king.)

Establish Twitter advanced thought guidance strategies

Content strategy guide like The Muse did.

Advanced Twitter Strategy - Content Question in Polls

Add hashtags like Evernote did.

Advanced Twitter Strategy - Hashtags in Polls

These strategies can benefit brands by increasing consumer interaction and brand awareness.

7. Go live

It's easy to go live on Twitter. This advanced Twitter strategy is also successful because it fulfills the immediate interaction desire of many viewers.

To go live, compose your tweet, then tap LIVE. This will take you to the pre-broadcast screen so you can frame your shot. When you're done, select Go Live and start broadcasting!

Once live, users on Twitter and Periscope can join your video to interact with your branding experience.

Wondering why you should bother going live? Here are three clear advantages:

  • Viewers often tweet about what they are watching.
  • This can be a new way to get in touch with hard-to-reach audiences.
  • It increases the authentic engagement of the audience.

These factors can have a huge impact on your brand's reach and engagement on Twitter.

8. Use Twitter Spaces

Twitter Spaces is a public chat room feature that allows up to ten speakers to overhear a conversation with anyone.

Users lucky enough to have access to Spaces have touted the feel of an interactive podcast.

Why should you include Spaces in your advanced Twitter marketing strategy? It can help you:

  • Receive feedback from the audience
  • Present new functions or products
  • Building thought leaders through industry discussions
  • Communicate with viewers in real time

Spaces enables brands to interact directly with consumers, enabling a more casual, interactive conversation than other forms of communication.

9. Test different CTAs

Regardless of what action you want your followers to take, you need a strong CTA so they know exactly what to do.

This phrase is curated by evaluating your goals and, best of all, determining how to get your audience to meet you at the finish line.

To test the effectiveness of your CTA, you can use a heat map tool like Crazy Egg when using click-based tracking. For other lead generation CTAs, you can compare the conversion rate based on the number of form submissions in your CRM tool.

You can also A / B test your CTAs.

If you're looking for inspiration on how to incorporate killer CTAs into your Twitter content, check out these three examples.

direct cta for advanced twitter strategy

Vogue teases the article with just enough information to pique interest. The magazine then gives the reader a clear instruction: read.

negative cta for advanced twitter strategy

Food52 uses a negative CTA that has a positive effect. Avoid is a powerful action word that triggers an emotional response. The reader can't help but be made to click on the article to learn what these six mistakes are.

Multiple Ctas in Your Advanced Twitter Strategy

InSinkErator uses different strategies to get viewers to enter their competition. From entering the CTA in the copy to the “More Info” CTA at the bottom left, there are several powerful CTAs that invite the reader to take the desired action.

10. Use Twitter cards

Twitter cards are platform exclusive ads that aim to drive Twitter users to your branded website and drive visitors to places where marketing happens further down the funnel.

There are a few different types of cards, but they all have the same basic design. Check out this single picture card used by the New York Times:

Use Twitter cards for an advanced Twitter strategy

The benefit of using Twitter cards is that, instead of just plain text, advertisers have a whole picture to generate a click.


While Twitter looks like a simplified platform at first glance, marketers and brands can take advantage of the social website's unique offerings and make a huge difference in campaigns.

These 10 advanced Twitter marketing tips can completely transform the way your Twitter profile contributes to your overall marketing success.

As you apply these tips, keep two things in mind: your brand and your goals. With these factors in mind, choose which of the 10 tips are right for you and get started.

You may see your efforts return very quickly.

What's your top tip for success on Twitter?

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