What is Holiness, and is it still required today?

What is Holiness, and is it still required today?

In this so called modern world, we see an eroding of moral fabric, not only in a secular sense, but sadly, in the church as well. Questionable messages are thrown from the pulpits worldwide, leaving some of God’s people confused. We see God depicted daily as a loving caring Santa Clause like figure, if you […]

Remember in The Rain, What He told you when The Sun was Shining

Remember in The Rain, What He told you when The Sun was Shining

She felt sick to her stomach. As a matter of fact, she gagged a couple times, but no one seemed to notice. They were all too busy running for cover. The torrential rains beat down on her small, sorry looking frame as she walked. One step for today, the other for next year. What just […]

Scriptural Surgery: The Miraculous

Scriptural Surgery: The Miraculous

Today’s post deals with the miraculous. The bible depicts various examples concerning how people were healed, or delivered from one affliction or the other. Naaman followed the counsel of God’s prophet and was healed of His leprosy (2 Kings 5:1-14 ), the woman with the issue of blood reached out and touched Jesus and virtue […]



As women, we may sometimes become overwhelmed by the differing moulds that society has created for us. It’s comforting to know, that despite this, God has a perfect template for us to follow. We can find this in His word and in His word only. We don’t have to succumb to images on the television, […]

Scriptural Surgery: Walking As Jesus Walked

Scriptural Surgery: Walking As Jesus Walked

Some people argue that you are the company you keep; if you are with the wealthy there is a higher chance that you will also be wealthy, beautiful to beautiful, and crazy to crazy. If this is true then your decision on company would depend on what you actually desire for your life, most people […]