Journey company Exoticca urges us to stay extra with newest advert

Created by Barcelona-based agency &Rosàs, online travel agent Exoticca’s new campaign sees a near-death experience spark a desire to take control and live life to the fullest.

Titled What a Time to be Alive, we see the protagonist dodge a falling plant pot and decide to become “the director of his life”. Adopting a film trailer format, we then see him go on adventures, make memories and travel the world, albeit affordably, thanks to Exoticca.

Directed by Hadi and produced by Clubhouse, a local production company in Vietnam, the film takes a satirical appraoch and comes with a tongue-in-cheek warning that says: “The following could cause you to want to go and live extraordinary travel experiences with Exoticca.” 

The spot forms part of a new strategic positioning for the brand, also developed by &Rosàs, which aims to highlight the importance of experiences and embarking on great journeys. But with consumers making greener choices, the ad opens itself up to criticism by those who feel we should be travelling less due to climate change. 

This sentiment was echoed last year after the launch of Uncommon’s campaign A British Original for British Airways, which highlighted all the different reasons we travel, including some playful ones.  

It’s undoubtedly a difficult line to tread, with travel companies also trying to tap into the return to holidaying post-pandemic. Perhaps until these brands are forced to tackle the growing environmental concerns in their marketing and strategy, a touch of cheekiness is the safest approach.

Creative Agency: &Rosàs
General Creative Director: Isahac Oliver
Creative Directors: Pol Martinez, Jordi Luna
Production Company: Clubhouse Films
Director: Hadi
Director of Photography: Grimm Vandekerckhove
Digital Editor: Clara de Ramon
Sound Studio: BSO
Post-Production: La Metropolitana