Methods to Set Up a Google Search Community Marketing campaign (The Proper Means)

Google search campaigns are one of the most popular forms of online advertising.

If you've always wanted to run your own Google search campaign but didn't know how this article can get you started.

Even if you don't know what an ad on the Google Search Network is, You know more than enough to run a profitable search campaign yourself.

Let's start!

What are campaigns on the Google Search Network?

If you've used the internet, you will likely come across advertisers running Google Search campaigns.

You can use Google Search Campaigns to display ads in the search lists of a Google search.

Example of a Google search ad

This is useful when you consider that Google processes more than 4 billion searches a day.

Another benefit of Google Search campaigns is that you can choose the keyword that will trigger your search and display ad.

For example, if you sell "fishing rods", you can choose to only show your ads when someone types the word "fishing rods" into Google.

Depending on how well optimized your ad is and how much you offer for your ad, you can influence how high your ad is shown on search listings.

Google Search ads can also appear on a variety of other websites and apps.

Lay the groundwork for your Google Search Network campaign

Before you can start a Google search campaign, there are a few basics you need to do and a plan for your ad group.

Running a Google Search campaign can cost a lot of money. If you don't plan ahead, you will see ads that aren't R.O.I. – and lose a lot of money in the process.

Plus, if you don't plan ahead, your conversion rate will be much lower than the average click-through rate of 3.17 percent.

Average CTR of Google Search Network Ads

What to Think About When Developing a Google Search Campaign Plan?

One factor to look out for is the keywords you are targeting.

Choose the right keywords to target

The keywords, rather than image or text ad data, that you are targeting are arguably the most important factor in running a search campaign.

Finally, the keywords you choose can affect how much your campaign will cost, but also the likely success of your search and ad campaign.


First, let's take a look at why keywords affect the success of your campaign.

Let's continue with the example of “fishing rods” from earlier.

The success of your campaign depends on your ability to use keywords with "Buyer intent. "

For laypeople, this means that keywords are entered into Google when they are actively searching for something.

Which keyword do you think will produce better results when running a search campaign on Google?

"Buy fishing rods" or "fishing rods" ?.

Chances are, "buy fishing rods".

These people are the ones who are just about to buy something.

People who only enter "fishing rods" may still be in "research mode".

It can also be a good idea to run a display network campaign based on a specific product or model name.

Again, this is because if someone searches in relation to a specific product, there is a good chance they will want to buy something – contrary to the intent of someone just doing a generic search.

If you want to identify keywords that have a positive R.O.I. generate, you don't have to rely on guesswork.

This is because you can use what is called the Google Keyword Planner tool.

This tool will tell you what keywords are entered into Google related to a particular topic and what search results are displayed.

It also tells you which keywords cost the most per click and how much competition there is.

Note: The keywords that cost the most usually let you know which keywords are the most profitable.

Remember that Google Ads work using an auction mechanism.

The price of ads increases depending on who is willing to pay the most for a display ad.

If marketers are willing to outbid each other in large ways, there is a good chance they are because they can afford it to bid as high as they are confident the ad will still get a positive R.O.I. – Despite the high bid.

This is all because high-quality buyer-intent keywords tend to convert much better than non-buyer-intent keywords.

For example, if you choose a targeted keyword that signals the buyer's intent, you could potentially convert 1 in 5 people who click the image ad.

This is in contrast to converting 1 to 50 for a keyword that is less targeted and has no buyer intent.

In such a situation, it's easy to see how a $ 2 CPC keyword can prove to be more profitable than a $ 0.50 CPC keyword.

Of course, this all assumes that your landing page is appropriately optimized – something we'll get into later.

With that in mind, let's take a look at how to use the Google Keyword Tool to create keywords for your ad group.

First, go to the Keyword Planner.

There select "Discover new keywords".

Then enter a basic keyword related to what you want to sell.

So in my case I entered "fishing rods".

Example of a Google Keyword Planner Tool for Google Search Ads

The following page will then be displayed.

Example of a Google keyword planner tool for ads

This page can be a bit overwhelming at first.

The list above shows related words that I might want to consider.

Underneath, you'll notice that I've highlighted the Keyword By Relevance tab.

This is where Google essentially grouped search and ad keywords into topics.

Each keyword also has its own “Avg. monthly searches ". This allows us to identify high volume keywords that could potentially generate high traffic.

You can also see the bid at the top of the page. This is the amount we can expect to get on the front page.

The Competition tab shows how many other people are likely to bid for the same words.

As you can see, all of these terms are highly proficient, which means that these ads are likely to cost quite a lot to run.

This is not necessarily a bad thing. These keywords can also generate a pretty high ROI.

However, you may also find that many of these keywords are not that useful for people who sell fishing rods.

So it can be helpful to click the "Button View" option in the right sidebar, which summarizes related keywords. Click the carrot under each group to see more related terms.

Ads on the Google Search Network create an ad group

You will now find that many of the "Ad Group Ideas" and "Keywords" are more relevant and have a lot more "Buyer Intent" keywords.

Either way, after reviewing these keywords, you'll want to write them down. You can even download them by clicking the "Download" button.

Google Search Ads download keywords

You can also use Ubersuggest to find keyword ideas. It is helpful for finding ideas for content as well as keywords for ads on the Google Search Network.

Google Ads keyword research in ubersuggest

Look out for the Suggestions and Related tabs for more ideas.

Make sure your landing page (or website) meets Google guidelines

Once you've identified some meaningful keywords, it's time to take a look at the webpage you're sending ad traffic to to make sure it's well optimized.

When sending traffic to a landing page, make sure that your landing page matches the landing page Guidelines provided by Google.

Make sure that the page in question complies with the guidelines, even if you are sending traffic to a normal web page.

Google deactivated 780 million ads in a year due to policy violations – you don't want to be part of this statistic!

Now let's see how you can set up a campaign.

Set up a Google Search Network campaign

Sign in to Google Ads Then click on "+ Campaign".

Google Search Ads new campaign

Set a goal for your Google Search Network ad

Then choose your destination. Google offers a variety of options including sales, leads, traffic, and brand awareness. To stick with the example of the fishing rod, I'll choose "Sales".

Google search network select an ad

Then select a campaign type. Since we want to appear in the search, select "Search".

Next, choose what action you want users to take. Since we sell fishing rods, I will select website visits.

Google Search Network Ads choose Action

If you're a brick and mortar store, you'll want to select "Store Visits" while an app company selects "App Downloads".

Name your campaign

Now give your campaign a name. Make it something that you can easily remember and describe.

You can also select the "Show Network" option, which will show your ad on partner sites on the Internet.

The Google Network Ads network names your campaign

If you only want to be shown when searching, deactivate "Show network". This ensures that the quality of your traffic is high as clicks only come from searches that are made directly on Google.

Set your location and your language

You then have the option of choosing a "location" for your ad. Choose what is relevant to your offering and your circumstances. Online you may be able to select all countries and territories, but there is likely a smaller audience to target.

Google Search advertising network Select a location.

If you're advertising overseas, choose English as the language so you can keep showing your ads to people who think they're relevant.

Choose your target audience

Now choose who you want to show your ads to based on your interests.

Choose the audience for Google Seraph ads

Set your budget

You can then adjust your budget and bids.

If you're new to Google Ads, you can select the "Maximize Conversions" option.

Don't worry about what you choose here as you can always adjust your bidding options later.

Bid on ads on the Google Search Network

The Budget section sets how much you spend on your ads each day. Your ads will never exceed this daily spending limit.

You can experiment with the "Ad Extensions" section once you are a little more experienced with search campaigns.

Ad extensions on the Google Search Network

However, first click "Save and Continue".

Create your ad group

You will then have the option to set up your ad groupThese are one or more ads with a similar goal.

Google ad group

You can get keyword suggestions here by entering the URL of your landing or any other page you're sending traffic to.

However, it's probably better to build your keywords using the display networking strategy you ran earlier.

When entering your keywords, it's important to look out for "Match Types".

What are match types and why are they important?

Match types affect the types of keywords that trigger your ad or the entire ad group.

If you choose Exact Match, your ad will only show if the exact keyword or phrase you specified was entered into Google Search.

Choosing Broad Match will show your ad for a wide variety of keyword variations entered into Google Search.

Exact matching is often the best option for people just starting out with AdWords to determine traffic on the search network.

Below is a detailed explanation of the different match types.

What are match types? Google Search Network Ads

Build your Google Search Network ad

Now is the time to create your ad.

Creating an effective copy for your search and display ad takes a great deal of skill.

First, add the URL you want your ad to go to, then click "View Ideas" for suggestions.

Create a Google search ad

Wordstream has a ton of great advice on creating great ad headlines.

Here are some more tips from Google:

Create Better Ad Headings Google Search Network

When you bid on a specific keyword, make sure that your The ad copy contains this keyword. This will make your display ad appear more relevant, and matching the two ads will improve clicks.

Create an example of an ad on the Google Search Network

You also need to make sure that your ad headings match your landing page headings. I touched on this briefly above.

Optimizely found they could 39.1% improvement in conversionsby matching landing page headings with ad headings.

Below is how Optimizely initially set up their campaigns.

Build a better Google Search advertising network

The next image shows how Optimizely has customized their ads and landing pages to improve conversions on the search network.

Example of better ads on the Google Search Network

Aside from reading and practicing more on the subject, studying other advertisements can be a great way to improve your skills.

Notice the "Ad Strength" circle in Google Ads. It gives you an idea of ​​whether your ads are likely to do well.

Ad strength of the Google search network

Keep an eye out for engaging ads as you use Google on a daily basis. "Screenshot" these ads and keep them in a "Swipe file. "

You can then use these ads as inspiration when running your own campaigns.

You can also use a tool like SpyFu, to find competitor ads that have been running for a long time.

If an ad has been running for a long time, there is a good chance that the marketer running that ad is making a profit. Eventually they found a way to fund this ad over a long period of time so it is most likely profitable.

Once you've made your ad copy, you'll have the opportunity to review your campaign.

Once you hit "Save and Finish" you will have to wait for Google to approve your campaign.

If you ever want to adjust the bid strategy for your image advertising campaigns, you can do so in the "Settings" of your campaign.

If you place a high bid, there is a good chance you will appear higher on the search lists.

It pays to appear high on search lists considering that the top three listings deserve to be on the first page of search results 41% of the clicks.


If you've never run a Google Search Networking campaign before, chances are you're looking forward to starting one now after reading this post.

However, you need a plan of action to ensure that your ads are getting a return on investment.

In this post, we've explored how to find the right keywords to improve the chances of a successful search and ad campaign. We also looked at how to write effective ads that people could click on.

Now that you've gotten started, you can get the ball rolling and see what can be done for your business using ads on the Google Search Network? If you need more tips or want to optimize your ads, check out this complete guide on how to manage Google Ads.

Good luck!

Do you have any tips on setting up a profitable Google search campaign?

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